Let’s be seated briefly. Like as I said earlier, we are going to exercise ourselves in the spirit.
This is what God has been wanting us to do. Man originally is born into a wicked world. Man is born originally into a wicked world.
From the day you are born, you begin to realize that everywhere around you. In fact, I look at my my young baby, my young daughter and I, I marvel. What I want to know is who gives her the that instinct to try to avoid challenge, avoid troubles or things that look like they could threaten her life.
Praise the Lord. And then I realize that this is the nature of man. Man will try as much as possible to find a route out of problem because originally he knows that there is an existing problem.
That is why when you throw a child up, naturally there’s this fear that comes into the life of that child. If she or he already feels that he is dropping and if he drops, he dies. Who tells a little baby that when you drop from up to the floor, you die? It is the nature of man.
Man is born into a dark world. Man is born into a world of crisis. Man is born into a world where his fellow man will want to take over the whole world.
In fact, if it is possible, I will want to say, if it is possible for your enemy to seize the air that you breathe in, he would have done that. Man against all odds walk into a problem that he doesn’t know of. Possibly might have been encountered by the great grandfather’s ancestral, you know, inclinations and all that and then he’s born into that problem.
And they say in this family that there is no, people don’t travel out from this family and you are born into that family and by mistake, by hook or by crook, you find a way outside and then you begin to see challenges. You see the struggles from principalities and powers fighting you to take you back home because they are said in that family that nobody travels out. And you ask yourself, why are you born into this family? Why did God not take you away from that family? But I want to announce to you that there is a wing, there is, there is a grace called mercy.
That we are going to ride on that tonight. And that mercy will single us out from this wicked world. In the name of Jesus Christ.
That mercy will single us out and fine tune our life so that we will become an expression of God’s glory. Even in that place where they say there is no life. In that place where they say there is no sound of the voice of the bride, the voice of the bride groom.
There is no voice of cattle, no voice of beast. This place has been designated for burial ground only. The Lord is announcing that life will come to those places in the name of Jesus Christ.
Life will come to your family in the name of Jesus. Mercy will hover around about you in the name of Jesus. The Lord wants to open our eyes briefly to this dimension of grace.
I thank God that as we open up this month, as we’re praying at the gates of this month, the Lord drew our attention to the fact that without mercy, we can go nowhere. And as this message came today, I recall that the Lord was indeed interested to prepare us so that we will ride on the wing of mercy. Praise the Lord.
The Lord will talk to us in a brief message titled, be merciful unto me, O Lord. I want you to claim it and say, be merciful unto me, O Lord. Be merciful unto me, O Lord.
Praise the Lord. Our topic will be taken from the book of Psalm chapter 57, from verse 1 to 11. It is only the mercy of God that will, it is when you have the mercy of God, that it will be easy for you to be separated from the challenges of life.
It will be, it will be so easy for you to, you know, to, to go to school where they say, it will be easy for you to rise where they say there’s no rising, where the mercy of God is. Psalm chapter 57, from verse 1 to 11. Be merciful unto me, O God.
Be merciful unto me, for my soul trusted in thee, yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge until these calamities be overpassed. Take note of that verse. I will cry unto God most high, unto God that performeth all things for me.
He shall send from heaven and save me from the reproach of him that would swallow me up. And God shall send forth his mercy unto me. My soul is among lions, and I lie even among them that are set on fire, even the sons of men whose teeth are spears and arrows and their tongue a sharp sword.
They can say things, I swear to you, people can tell you that way. Their tongues are like what? Sharp sword. That’s right.
Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens, let thy glory be above all the earth. They have prepared a nest for my steps. My soul is bowed down.
They have picked up a piece before me, into the midst whereof they are following themselves. Say amen. My heart is peace, O God, my heart is peace.
I will sing unto thee praise. I wake up my glory, I wake. Soundly and half, I myself will awake early.
I will praise thee, O Lord, among the people. I will sing unto thee among the nations. For thy mercy is great unto the heavens, and thy truth unto the clouds.
Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens. Let thy glory be above all the earth. Praise the Lord.
It is the glory of God that operates in a dimension above the operation and activity of the earth that is capable of singling you out. It is the glory of God that operates above the earth that can make you where people that have tongues that are sharp like sword are waiting to swaddle you up. The glory of God will beat you under the wings of his mercy and transport you away from there into the realm of peace.
Praise the Lord. God’s glory will be revealed on us tonight in the name of Jesus Christ. And most importantly, how you will identify that you’re already riding on the wings of mercy is that there will be a son that will be the president of your heart.
You will begin to see that inside of you, a new son. God is talking to somebody right now. Somebody’s having this message.
A new son will be deposited in your heart, and that will be a sign to you that God has shown you mercy above all the problems of your life in the name of Jesus Christ. Let us understand this. Please, let’s not be like that man who came to Jesus by night in John chapter 3, verse 1. He came as a man who possibly was a ruler of the Jews and was discussing with Jesus.
And he started describing him as somebody who came from God. Okay, who possibly would do miracles and all that by the power of God. But Jesus understood that he was talking from the standpoint of the ruler of the Jews, understanding that he was limited by the level of his height.
And Jesus diverted that discussion and told him, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Seeing in that sentence of Jesus means he cannot see the kingdom of God. He cannot understand the kingdom of God.
He cannot even understand the operations and the dynamics. How come the ruler of this world understands that the power that Jesus Christ operates, he came from God. He was talking as a man.
And when he started asking Jesus the question, what do you mean by being born again? It’s clear that he doesn’t understand. But today, our eyes of understanding will be opened by the Lord tonight so that we will walk in this mercy. And the mercy of God will expose us to our God’s given destiny in the name of Jesus Christ.
So pray that prayer that your eyes of understanding be opened so that you will see as a child of God, the kingdom of God. Your case will not be like that of Nefodimu in the name of Jesus Christ. The Psalmist in our day was under a siege, a situation that was so posterous to him.
Even naturally, he could have the power to deal with his enemy Saul. But that was not the case. He knew that Saul was an anointed of God.
So it would not be right for him to address that situation by his power. He was not operating in place, obviously. However, that was a challenge to him.
That was a challenge to him. Somebody you know you can kill. And the person is deliberately looking for an opportunity to kill you.
And then the Psalmist ran to the cave, because in the cave he wrote this scripture. The exegetes told us, praise the Lord. He used several statements to explain what he was going through.
That people with lion’s teeth are waiting for him. Did not this man pursue him with armies? He pursued him with some people behind him. Pursuing just a man.
Pursuing just a man. What did he do to him? Nothing. This man did not do anything to him.
Was it a mistake that we invited him to his house and the Spirit of God was upon David to help him? No. It wasn’t a mistake. But as a result of envy, as a result of jealousy, he decided to chase this man to death.
Today we see ourselves in situations that we didn’t even know how we came through. We didn’t know how we came into it. Some of us are born into a home where they said, ladies born into that house don’t give birth to children.
And as a result of it, they will tell you, you will not give birth to children. Is it your fault? How did you come to take such a call to yourself? Is it your fault that your mother gave birth to you? Look at David in a situation that he was supposed to be a solution to the problem of Saul. But Saul became so jealous and he started to chase him to kill him.
What did David do? He resorted to mercy. He knew that it was only the mercy of God that can save him. Because man in his own day said, if we can do our master, we can calm his merciless.
But God is merciful. He resorted to the mercy of God. And he said, have mercy upon me.
Oh God. The people who have understood the role of mercy in life have attained more than expected. Look at life 30 months.
Somebody who could not understand, he could hear, but really could not understand because he was limited by sight. What was going on? People have not seen Jesus all his life. He only had sound and possibly sound of victory announcing Jesus.
Today, may you hear the sound that will bring you to your room in the name of Jesus Christ. And may you have that sense, you have prayed it, that you have the sense to perceive that sound of victory. It was the sound of victory that perceived and began to ask, what is happening? What is happening? And like men will like to silence him, but he wants to know what is happening.
Jesus of Nazareth is merciful. He has not even known what divine has been hearing. And what did he say? Jesus of Nazareth, have mercy upon me.
Have mercy upon me. Because he knows that it was only mercy that could attract such a man to him. It was only mercy that could divert his attention.
A man who did such a miracle, it’s only mercy. A man without mercy will see you and walk through you. And will not even look your way.
I will say, there are so many beggars. How will I waste my time on this mercy? There was a man that lived on this earth without mercy. Lazarus was under his watch and was feeding from the crumbs that was falling from his table.
That man was without mercy. How can he look at the problem of Lazarus? He had mercy and used that tool to attract Jesus. Today we are going to cry on mercy.
The merciful aspect of our Lord. And that will cause him to turn to our side and grant us our heart desires in the name of Jesus Christ. It is important for us to notice that the problems of man are so wide, so much.
In Psalms 57 from verse 4 to 6, you can identify those problems there. My soul is among lions and I lie even among them. My soul is among lions.
I was born in the midst of lions. People that don’t even want to see my destiny. People that don’t want to see my light shining.
In fact, when they hear that my child is going to school, they will go and be looking for something to do to stop it from happening. I lie among them in the midst of lions. What a wicked world.
From our text, we shall look at the following points. One, the problem. Two, the petition, which is the prayer.
And three, the praise. The problem. Let’s quickly see from Psalms chapter 57 from verse 4 to 6. Psalms chapter 57 verse 4 to 6. My soul is among lions and I lie even among them that are set on fire.
Even the sons of men whose teeth are spears and arrows and their tongue a sharp sword. Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens. Let thy glory be above all the earth.
They are prepared in earth for my steps. My soul is bowed down. They have did a bid before me into the midst whereof they are following themselves.
For no just cause. Look at the children of Israel going about their way. And a man called Balak decided that he was going to cause these people.
For no just cause. For no just cause. But I want to announce to you today, whether you are into a problem for a cause or you are into a problem without a cause, mercy will deliver us today in the name of Jesus Christ.
David was suffering a problem that he doesn’t know about. Somebody who should be able to kill. Several locations he met the man sleeping and he went there, cut his garment a bit and went afar and drew his attention to it.
Yet the man did not give up. Simply because he understood that this is anointed of God. I dare not raise an hand against him.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood. We obviously wrestle against principalities and powers. But they manipulate through flesh and blood that we see.
But in the name of the Lord tonight, all those principalities and powers, including their altars of enchantments must fall in the name of Jesus Christ. They pursue us without a cause. They pursue us for a cause.
But I announce to you that even the lawful captive shall be delivered in the name of Jesus Christ. Even if you have stayed in a place where they said you should not stay and then by means of some laws you have become a lawful captive. I want to announce to you that a lawful captive shall be delivered because the mercy of God is in operation in the name of Jesus Christ.
He’s so merciful. He’s so merciful. If the kings of this world from time to time will grant pardon to men that have been convicted of one crimes or the other, how much more my heavenly father? He will grant pardon to even the lawful captive tonight in the name of Jesus.
The problem, you can see the problems. David was somehow handicapped because he, knowing God’s ways, could not kill Saul who had been anointed. Yet the evil was relentless in pursuing him.
He didn’t give up. He was pursuing him. Despite the fact that in himself he has tried his ability to live a good life.
To even beg him, please leave me alone. Jonathan, his friend, did not see it at the beginning. Jonathan himself tried to appease the heart of the father on the side of David by working.
Saul chased this man and continued to chase him. The same way the challenges of our lives continue to resist prayers. Continue and then you say you have prayed five years, you have prayed ten years, you have prayed.
I want to tell you that at a particular time God will answer that prayer. And that time is now in the name of Jesus. I don’t want you to doubt it.
I did not see these handouts before we started this mode. If you remember in our first day of our first food fasting and prayer, we asked God for mercy. We took time to ask God for mercy.
And that was a sign that in this mode God will show us mercy Amen. And so shall it be in the name of Jesus. So boost up your faith.
Be encouraged. God’s mercy is with us. Every rope, every chain that the enemy has used to chain us as a result of God’s mercy, they shall all be broken in the name of Jesus.
In like manner, many are under threats. Many are apparently incapacitated. You don’t know what to do.
You have tried all your best possible. You have tried every approach. You have consulted.
You have even fasted personally. You have even asked people to help you to fast. And you have not seen results.
As we call on the grace of mercy tonight, all those problems will be resolved in the name of Jesus. So many a times we will want to venture into something that is good and legitimate, where it becomes difficult. Apostle Paul in Romans chapter 1 verse 13 will say, I would want to come to you, but the enemy won’t let me.
My body will not let me. Sicknesses will not give me the opportunity to rise. As a result of this sickness, I’m not able to get jobs.
As a result of my incapacitation, I’m not able to stand up from my house and go and do this thing. I don’t even have money to invest in this business. My CV is not enough to give me a job.
Oh, I want to announce to you that the mercy of God will give you a high place job in the name of Jesus. This same David, God’s mercy was on him. It was no way to match his brothers.
When God sent Samuel to go to his father’s house to anoint him, he didn’t even know he was in a bush and his father did not in any way think that he was going to be recognized. His father disapproved of him. Oh, I want to announce to somebody that in that place where you have been rejected, they will come to look for you in this month in the name of Jesus Christ.
The father of Jesse, the father of David, did not recognize the grace upon David. And then when Samuel was asking him, are these all your son? He would have told a lie there. Only that God had to remind him by force and say, okay, there is one that is in the bush.
All those that are forgotten you will remember you in the name of Jesus Christ. God’s mercy will speak us through in the name of Jesus. And Samuel could not sit down until David came.
Samuel could not sit down. In fact, that jar of oil could not stay on the floor. He must hold that oil until David comes.
That is what mercy will do to any one of us in the name of Jesus. This door that we have been asking to open and it’s not wanting to open and it’s asking us who is the king of glory in UAE. This immigration door.
God will show us mercy and this door will be open in the name of Jesus. These are the problems that won’t let us. These are the problems and challenges that won’t let us.
In 1 Thessalonians 2 verse 18. What are the problems? Sicknesses, diseases, financial incapacitations. Mention them.
Mention them. But tonight God’s mercy is available to deal with them. That’s my happiness.
God’s mercy is available to take them away. 1 Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 18. Wherefore we would have come unto you, even I Paul, once and again and Satan hindered us.
His work is to steal, to kill, and to destroy. Wherever there is peace, wherever there is a building, wherever there is there is tranquility, he goes there to destroy it. I will not let you advance.
That is the world we are born into. That is the kind of world we are born into. The characteristics of this world, in fact a scholar said man is in his original state, brutal, wicked, and nasty.
Because of the way the world has formed you into, you must struggle to survive. You must beat, you must kill to survive. You must tell lies to survive.
You must be clumsy to survive. The principle of civilization has been so dented that you must be a wicked man to become useful in life. But that’s not the dynamics of mercy and the oppression of the grace of God.
Because this grace operates above the earth, so we shall be singled out from the earth and operate in this level of glory and grace in the name of Jesus. Now the petition, the petition, you are beginning to energize your spirit. You are beginning to energize your soul to make this big petition that cannot be altered.
In Psalm chapter 57 from verse 1 to 3, what is the petition of the Psalmist? In a situation where he had his soldiers, he had the opportunity to kill Saul and was not able to kill Saul, yet this man was pursuing him. If Saul had, if Saul had tried it once, sent a javelin to him. But the grace of God helped him to, you know, avoid, dodge it.
Apostle Paul and Silas, when they were caged, and they were asking God for mercy to be loosed from the situation they were in, what did they do? They prayed and they sang. It was at that point that mercy was revealed. Praise the Lord.
Hallelujah. You can see that in Acts 16 verse 25. The last point, the praise.
The praise. I told you that the kind of praise that God will give you, you’ll be singing it and people will be asking you, where is it coming from? And you will say to them, God is my song. In Psalms chapter 57, verse 5. The victory God will give to us.
The victory the Lord has earmarked for us. We cause for praises in our life. In the name of Jesus Christ.
Psalm 57 verse 5. Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens. Let thy glory be above all the earth. Let thy glory be above all the earth.
Verse 11. Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens. Let thy glory be above all the earth.
How come did this song come into the mind of the Psalmist? He understood it. That the glory of God operating in a dimension above the reach of… Oh my God. If it were possible, man would clamp down the mercy of God so that he would not show it onto another person.
So the glory of God being above the earth. What exalts God. He understood that it is this glory that will come upon him and exonerate him.
The power that should save us is a power that doesn’t operate and abide on this earth. Let thy glory be above all the earth. This shall be our song going forward in the name of Jesus Christ.
So the Lord will plant songs of praises on our lips as we take time to pray. Paul and Silas pray, they sang. Praise is an expression of one’s appreciation of God.
When people praise God, he is teared up into action. David, the man after God’s heart, knew this secret and hence prospered. He took time to give praise to God.
Let’s rise to our feet. It’s time to go to God in prayer. It’s time to go to God in prayer.
I don’t want to count the number of problems the Lord ministered to me as I was preparing for this program, for this ministration tonight. All I want to dwell on right now is that the mercy of God is available. The mercy of God is available.
The mercy of God is available. Today as we cry out to the Lord and say, have mercy upon me. As we open our mouth and tell the Lord, have mercy upon me.
We shall be delivered of all the problems that the devil has kept us in. Open your mouth and begin to pray. Cry out to the Lord.
Cry out to the Lord like the Samis. Submit yourself to him. Mercy says no.
Mercy says no. Mercy says no. Mercy speaks.
Mercy speaks. It is the mercy of Christ Jesus that makes him intercede on our behalf. And it says, Father, because of these people I die, have mercy on them.
Have mercy on us, O Lord. Have mercy on us. O Lord, have mercy on us, my heart.
I cry, O Lord. I cry, O Lord. I cry, O Lord.
I cry for mercy. I cry, O Lord. I cry, O Lord.
I cry, O Lord. I cry, O Lord. I cry for mercy.
I cry, O Lord. I cry, O Lord. I cry, O Lord.
I’ll bless you upon my family. I’ll bless you upon my husband’s family. I’ll bless you upon my husband’s family.
I’ll bless you upon us. By strength shall no man prevail. We all need your mercy oh Lord.
We all need your mercy oh Lord. Somebody cry for mercy. Somebody cry for mercy.
Cry for mercy. Where is your God? Oh Lord, because of your mercy oh Lord. Some stories are out there.
Oh Lord, because of your mercy. David said, be merciful upon me oh Lord. Be merciful upon me.
For I lie among lions. In the name of Jesus. Father have mercy upon us.
Have mercy upon us. Have mercy upon us. Mention that problem and say have mercy upon me.
Have mercy upon me and remove this problem. And because of your mercy, fix all the holes here and there. Fix all the problems here and there.
Have mercy upon us oh Lord. I don’t want you to leave me with this affliction here and there. I don’t want you to leave me with this affliction.
Behold our affliction. Behold our affliction today oh Father. Father behold our affliction here and there.
Lord behold the afflictions that are taking away our freedom from faith. Lord behold the afflictions here and there. Let your mercy oh Lord.
Be part of our judgment. Be part of our compensation for the little ones. Now that we have lost enemies.
Have mercy on me. Have mercy on us. Have mercy on us.
Have mercy on us. Have mercy on us. Have mercy on us.
Have mercy on us. Have mercy on us. Lord have mercy on us.
Have mercy on us. Jesus have mercy on us. Have mercy on us.
Jesus have mercy on us. Have mercy on us. Jesus have mercy on us.
Have mercy on us. The lord show us mercy. The lord show us mercy.
If you show us mercy, oh lord we shall continue to excel. Lord it is by your grace. It is as a result of your mercy that we are not consumed.
My Lord Jesus was so merciful and therefore he went about doing good. He went about doing good delivering them that were diseased and oppressed for God was with him. How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth who went about doing good.
He went about doing good. How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth who went about doing good. He went about doing good.
How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth who went about doing good. He went about doing good. Merciful God have mercy on us.
How strong of God have mercy on us. Have mercy on us. Have mercy on us oh Lord have mercy.
Have mercy for them that are against us have mercy on us. Have mercy on us oh Lord have mercy. Have mercy on us oh Lord have mercy.
Attend to my prayer. Attend to my prayers. Attend to my prayers.
Have mercy upon the church. Have mercy upon us oh Lord. Have mercy upon my family.
Have mercy on us. Have mercy for God. My God is a merciful God.
My God is a merciful God. Showing mercy to thousands of generations. My God is a merciful God.
My God is a merciful God. My God is a merciful God. My God is a merciful God.
My God is a merciful God. My God is a merciful God. Oh my God and my salvation.
Father we are dropping our intelligence. We are dropping our skills of weapon of war. We are dropping our weapons of war.
Our physical abilities we are dropping them. And we are relying on your mercy right now. We are relying on your mercy.
Attend to our prayers. Open the doors. Open the windows.
Rent the heavens. By your infinite mercy. It is because of his mercy that he is mindful of men.
What is man that thou art mindful of us? Are you not a merciful God? Did you not accommodate Adam and sow clothe for him? Are you not merciful? Are you not merciful? Have you lost your ability of mercy? I hear the Lord saying I have shown you mercy. I have shown you mercy. I have shown you mercy.
I am your shepherd. You shall not want. I will take you and take you beside still waters.
I will restore your soul. I will lead you behind beside great pastures. For my name’s sake.
Even though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death. You shall fear no evil. For I am with you.
Mercy for our children. Mercy for our husbands. Mercy for our wives.
Mercy for the church in UAE. Mercy, mercy, mercy. Mercy, mercy.
We are ignorant. We are born into an ignorant world. We are born limited.
We don’t even know our left and right. Have mercy on us. Have mercy on us.
Have mercy on us. Have mercy on us. We walk in the ways that seem right unto us.
Not knowing that the end year of his destruction. Have mercy on us. Have mercy on us oh Lord.
In Jesus name we pray. The mercy of God has arrived. I can feel the presence of God in our midst.
The presence that comes with mercy. He says let us come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy. Why is the gift of mercy the first gift that we obtain when we approach the throne of grace? I am singing a new song today.
I am singing a new song today. What my father cannot do. Jesus did this in my life.
I am singing a new song. I am singing a new song. It is an opportunity to tap on the presence of God.
So that your life will be so filled with songs of praises. The Lord is appointing songs of praise upon some individuals right now. Inside of you will emanate songs of praises.
Songs of victory. Songs of victory. Songs of victory.
Songs of victory. Songs of victory. Songs of victory.
I see the palm of Gilead. I see God. In the name of Jesus.
In the name of Jesus. There is a balm that is being applied on somebody’s forehead. There is a balm that is being applied on somebody’s forehead.
The Lord has shown you mercy of that migraine. In the name of Jesus you migraine get out. In the name of Jesus.
The Lord has come. The grace of God is here. The throne of grace has been established in the midst of God’s people.
And right now people are obtaining mercy. Let his mercy follow us. Let his mercy follow us.
There are open doors right now. Doors that have been revealed unto us long ago. And we are saying when is that door going to be opened physically.
The Lord is saying that he has shown us mercy. All the things that have been blocking that door from opening physically. All those things have been taken away.
By the hand of the Lord. In the name of Jesus. You will begin to see it physically.
Every door you knock on must be opened. Henceforth in the name of Jesus. Go ahead and begin to appreciate the Lord.
Sing the song that has been dropped in your heart right now. Sing the song that the Lord has deposited in your heart right now. Sing the song that the Lord has deposited.
Appreciate him. Thank him. Thank him.
Thank him. In the name of Jesus. We will continue to sing songs of praise because of what the Lord has done today.
If you believe, then shout a bigger amen. Amen. Amen.
Amen. Amen.
Jesus eeh
You have done it again.
Jesus eeh
in your own special way.
What was impossible, You made possible
Jesus eh
We have come to the end of today’s fellowship.
I thank God for what he has done for us as we are having the message. I remember the last charismatic hour which was the last day of the month. When the pastor said, whosoever asketh, whosoever and whatsoever you ask, you receive.
And here the Lord has shown us mercy. What is it that you cannot receive when you have asked with that faith? So, as you go home, continue to pray and may God continue to answer our prayers in the name of Jesus. If you are just joining us, continue to join us next Thursday also for our Bible study.