In Jesus’ name, we pray.
Father we thank You for the outpouring of Your spirit, and the grace of fellowship, and the power of creation.
I thank You for creating us specially and for a purpose.
I thank You for distinguishing us, having created us, and that is why I am different from the brethren I see and each and every one of us are different. There is a peculiarity of yourself that You have deposited in each and every one of us that as we begin to identify the peculiarity and iron that pattern with You, you will attend to our needs and challenges tonight. Therefore my father open our eyes of understanding that we might benefit maximally as we have come to You tonight.
Let us pray through every challenges, every situation, all the troubles of mankind. They must come to an end absolutely tonight in the name of Jesus Christ to pray and amen.
MESSAGE TITLE: Alone with the Lord
Let’s see as we quickly go through what the Lord has for us tonight.
The Lord wants to give us a wonderful key that shall unclasp and set every one of us free. If you believe that, I want you to say amen.
You know there is a particular pattern that the Lord has designed for every man that comes into this world that only himself can decode.
Only himself can interpret that pattern with which you will manifest your God-given purpose on earth, and the reason why men have strayed and walked and can leave this world all through 100 years, 120 years and die without fulfilling purpose is because men have not discovered the pattern with which their creator created him or her. Praise the Lord.
Every manufacturer engages his products by means of a formula and that is why when God created us, he breathed his spirit in us and never mind that he created Adam and asked Adam to multiply. When Adam multiplied, when Adam began to multiply and he gave birth to Cain and Abel, you will agree with me that the pattern of creation of Cain was different from the pattern of creation of Abel and that was why Abel could readily understand and study the ways of God. It was easy for him to give sacrifice that God would accept but Cain did not understand the pattern with which he was created and decided to go in the way and establishment of men. Praise the Lord.
Tonight God will bring us close to himself so that we will understand the pattern. You cannot understand the ways of God and his purpose for you if you do not consciously, deliberately take a walk with him. If you do not consciously, deliberately take a walk, personal walk with him.
So the Lord is bringing us this topic alone with the Lord, alone with the Lord, alone with your maker, alone with your creator. In fact, there are vehicles in this world that cannot be repaired by any other engineer except the manufacturers and and or designated mechanics appointed by the manufacturer because the peculiarity of that formula cannot be hacked by any engineer in the world. Praise the Lord.
Men have so grown to protect the formula of their production so that nobody can hack into that formula. That is why you can see cars like Ferrari, you can see cars, Porsche and all that. When they spoil, you will look, you will go to look for specific mechanics for them.
Praise the Lord. Tonight we are going to take a journey to our creator personally, one-on-one, alone with him, ask him questions, discuss with him, tell him to interpret the pattern of your life and existence and purpose. Nobody can interpret no matter how anointed your pastor or apostle or leader is.
He can only speak by means of prophetic expressions revealed to him and it will just be a little out of the much in the pattern which God has given to you. It is only you and your God that can discover, interpret and make your interpretation work out the desired purpose. Often a time the Lord leads his children or servants into a program to stabilize the blessing that was released upon him because man in his way will always want to walk away from the design.
So God will not allow him to walk away totally. It’s happened in the book of Genesis. If we take a lead from chapter 4 and read how that pain strode away from the garden of Eden and established his own way of life, completely different from God.
Instead of begetting people that were crafting ideas on their own, Jebel being the father of them who were gifted in tents and all that. And then was, you know, was establishing his own ordinance in his knowledge but not according to the pattern of God. Now this was completely an eyesore to Adam and Eve and they prayed that God will replace Jebel.
And in the later part of chapter 4, we’ll see that at the time they called the God Jebel, it was a replacement, sorry, Seth. Seth was seen as a replacement of Jebel. And then after the birth of the son of Seth, the Bible recorded there that then men began to call on the name of God.
How come will men look away from their creator? How will you read the manual? How will you use the manual of a Toyota car for a pigeon? It will not work, praise the Lord. Now because man will want to go away, God will design so many instances, so many occasions. He can even come by throwing a kind of challenge for you that will make you go to cry and seek the face of him, of God who created you.
This was the case with the Lord Jesus after his baptism and endowments at the river Jordan. God took him by the spirit to the wilderness just to have a one-on-one relationship with God the Father. And yet he stayed several days and got much more experiences and became more powerful to the extent that when the enemy came to tempt him, there was nothing that the enemy could do to bring him down.
Praise the Lord. You can see that in Mark chapter 1 verse 10 to 12. Sometimes the Lord designs programs, several programs to draw men to himself.
So whatever challenges you are looking at today, whatever problem you are seeing today, I want to tell you that it is a result of the fact that you have neglected your relationship or the place of God in your life. And God wants to use that circumstance to bring you closer to him. And as you take advantage of this wonderful package tonight, I want to assure you that every stone in your life will become pillows of joy in the name of Jesus Christ.
Our text will be taken from the book of Genesis chapter 32. Genesis chapter 32. We’ll first read from verse 1 to 13.
Genesis 32 from verse 1. And Jacob went on his way and the angels of God met him. And when Jacob saw them, he said, this is God’s hand. And he called the name of that place, Mahanim.
Remember, Jacob had even seen the angels of God ahead and did not give them recognition. There was a time he was sleeping and he saw the angels going up and coming down. And just got up and walked away and did not understand the role of those angels in interpreting the pattern of his life.
So he got up and walked away. We’ll read verse 2. And when Jacob saw them, he said, this is a God, this is God’s host. And he called the name of that place, Mahanim.
And Jacob sent messengers before him to Esau, his brother, onto the land of Seir, the country of Edom. And he commanded them saying, thus shall you speak unto my lord Esau, thy servant Jacob said thus, I have sojourned with Laban and stayed there until now. And I have oxen and asses, flocks, and men servants and women servants.
And I have sent to tell my lord that I may find grace in thy sights. And the messengers returned to Jacob saying, we came to thy brother Esau. And also he commanded to meet thee and 400 men with him.
Before we continue, I have this inner persuasion to say this, that oftentimes the lord reveals himself to us. In fact, the lord speaks to us and tries to draw us close before we get into challenges, before we even get into trouble. But men in their usual way neglects the call and signs from God almighty.
Look at Jacob there. He met angels and did not want to understand at that time what sin those angels were. Instead, he went ahead sending message on his own intelligence and possibly expectations to Esau.
Now let’s continue. Verse seven. Then Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed and he divided the people.
Okay, sorry, verse six. And the messengers returned to Jacob saying, we came to thy brother Esau. And also he commanded to meet thee and 400 men with him.
By this time, Jacob had sent them go and do so. Before Jacob already sent them, he had thought what he would do. In his own wisdom, he divided his family and sent them ahead and started to send the messengers to go and talk to Esau, thinking that his pattern or his idea would solve his problem.
Now the people he sent came back and gave him a feedback that his brother said he will be coming to him. Maybe he did not expect that the brother will be coming to him. But on hearing that information, he became greatly distressed.
Why are you distressed? If you know that you know that whatever you are doing, you should take responsibility of it. Praise the Lord. Now verse seven.
Then Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed and he divided the people that was with him and the flocks and herds and the camels into two vans and said, if Esau come to one company and smite it, then the other company which is left shall escape. And Jacob said, O God of my father Abraham and God of my father Isaac, the Lord which says unto me, return unto thy country and to thy kindred and I will do well with thee. Look at the time now that Jacob decided to pray, to seek the God whom he said in verse two that this is God’s host.
He didn’t realize it to call upon the name of that God at that time until fear came into his life. He decided to call on the name of that God. Verse 10.
I am not worthy of the least of all the messes and of all the truths which thou has shown unto thy servant. For with my staff I passed over this Jordan and now I am become two vans. Deliver me, I pray thee, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau, for I fear him lest he will come and smite me and the mother with the children.
And thou says, I will surely do thee good and make thy seed as a son of the sea. Then instead of remembering the promises, the prophetic declaration of the father on him, which cannot be numbered for multitude. And he lodged there that same night and took of that which came to his hand a present for Esau, his brother.
Let’s jump to verse 22. And he rose up that night and took his two wives and his two women servants and his 11 sons and passed over the pod Jabbok. And he took them and sent them over the brook and sent over that he had.
Verse 24. And Jacob was left alone and there rested a man with him until the breaking of the day. Take note of verse 24.
Let’s read that again. And Jacob was left alone and there rested a man with him until the breaking of the day. Verse 25.
And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of joint as he rested with him. And he said, let me go for the day break it. And he said, I will not let thee go except thou bless me.
And he said unto him, what is thy name? The angel asking Jacob, what is it? And he said to him, Jacob. And he said, thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel. For as a prince has thou power with God and with men and has prevailed.
And Jacob asked him and said, tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed him there. And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel.
For I have seen God face to face and my life is preserved. And as he passed over Peniel, the sun rose upon him and he halted upon his thigh. Therefore, the children of Israel ate not of the sinew which shrank, which is upon the hollow of the thigh.
And unto this day, because he touched the hollow of Jacob’s thigh in the sinew that shrank. Praise ye the Lord. Say to yourself that you will not wait to be like Jacob until you realize the role of God in your life.
You must have to tell yourself that. Why would Jacob wait to rest too? He had occasions where he would have called on the name of God and God would have easily replied him. He decided to take steps as a man.
But the grace of God was continuous and continual on his life. Though we are going to take example from what happened between Jacob and the angel. Because at that time he realized himself and decided that today, today we must finish this.
I have been a fool all the while. I have not recognized who my maker has been. In fact, oh his life has been such a life that just because he knew, possibly the mother told him what his future was going to be as a result of what happened in the womb of his mother.
And then he decided to walk his way out. And that is how most of us have been trying to walk our way out with our mortal intelligence. And that is why it is looking as if we are not praying true and the promises of God is not coming to pass in our lives.
And sometimes the Lord designs all these programs as we have said. His child or servant is faced with a kind of situation that will look like that person will even die in the course of that problem. But that problem I announce to you is not the intention of God to take away your life, but rather to draw you more closer to him.
So as you draw closer to him, as you take the responsibility of walking alone with him, he will reveal your purpose on this earth. He will provide the solutions to the problems of your life. He will heal you of that sickness and tell you where the solution to that sickness lies.
And so shall it be in the name of Jesus Christ. Now the all-knowing God who had known all his works from the beginning known unto him are all his works. In Acts chapter 15 verse 18, he is not ignorant of anything he does.
Creating you, he knows why he created you. He knows the purpose for creating you. He knows the process and procedures he took to create you.
And each procedure, the relevance of those procedures even in our contemporary world. Known unto him, known unto him are all, in verse 18 of Acts chapter 15, known unto God are all his works. Aren’t you the work of God? Are you not the work of God? I am the work of God.
I am a work of God. So God knows me more than anybody can know me. More than my pastor will know me.
More than my earthly father will know me. In fact my earthly parents are only conveyor of the purpose of God for me in this world. Simple.
Praise the Lord. Known unto God are all his works from where the beginning of the world. So God is not ignorant of whatever you are passing through right now.
He’s not ignorant of your challenge. In fact he is not ignorant that you are existing in the first place. He knows.
And that is the more reason why you should walk with him. Why you should go to him. I would rather go to somebody who knows me from my head to the toe to seek counsel than to go to somebody who does not know me.
Praise the Lord. In fact in life if you have a challenge who comes to your mind first? Somebody who knows you. True or false? Somebody who knows you.
You will barely go to somebody who you have not known before to tell your problem. How much more somebody who created you? Will you prefer to go to somebody who can tell you okay I will see your problem when I sleep tonight and possibly provide a solution and we go to bed to sleep and we not wake up? That is man. Or will you prefer to talk to God who does not sleep nor slumber? The Bible says he is the keeper of Israel.
He neither sleeps nor slumber. If that kind of being knows you, is there anything that he will allow to attack you? Without his knowledge? No. If we end this program tonight at this point the Lord is done.
He says none unto me are all my works from the beginning. So there is nothing that happens in this earth that God does not know. There is no tsunami that happened in this earth that took the lives of people that is without the knowledge of God.
There is no sickness. There is no pandemic. There is no endemic.
There is no problem in this world that happens without the knowledge of God. The carrier of those diseases and problems God knew when the carrier started where the problem started. He knows the source and possibly we allow it so that man will recognize that he is God and run to him to identify their pattern with which he designed that particular incident and how to if it is to walk in that pattern or to alter the pattern.
Praise the Lord. We all live a pattern life and only those who work with God alone can be able to decipher, can be able to decode the pattern of their lives. It is essential that God’s people understand the principles of the kingdom so as to be optimally productive and what’s durable.
It is better you understand it otherwise you can never be productive. You can never succeed in whatsoever your mind or your brain or your intellectual can produce at any given time. If it is not in tangent with the God-given pattern which you will only decode when you are alone with him and he speaks to you.
If you are not able to, you cannot progress. In fact whatever you are temporarily achieving will not last. There are cases of people who have amassed fortune well and God allowed them they will continue to amass fortune and amass fortune on to the point that they feel that they are now God and then they will take all that fortune and then put it in a particular business and all of a sudden that business will crash and then they will begin then to understand that they do not own and cannot interpret the pattern of life that they should live on earth.
Psalm chapter 103 verse 5. Alone with God That is where the key lies. You’re looking for success. It is at a point where you and your God communicates.
Psalm 103 verse 5. Who satisfies thy mouth with good things so that thy youth is renewed like the eagles? Who does that? It’s God. I have a baby. I try my best possible to keep that baby from either falling down or potential hazards but I will stand to tell you that there are hazards there are things that have happened to that baby that I will open my mouth and I will say God you are the keeper of children.
Praise the Lord. It is God that takes care of you even from your youth. Satisfy thy mouth with good things so that thy youth is renewed like the eagles.
He’s your creator and will continue to watch you until you are fulfilled. Numbers chapter 12 verse 6 to 8. It decides what happens to you. Nobody else can decide it.
Numbers chapter 12. Numbers is after Leviticus. In the case of Moses, when his sister and Aaron tried mocking him, he called them, called his attention to them.
I personally chose this man. Numbers chapter 12 from verse 6. And he said, hear now my words. If there be a prophet, he was talking to Miriam and Aaron.
After trying to accuse or trying to you know mock or trying to question why should Moses be so favorable? Why should he go to marry from so-so place? Is it that is he only him that has enjoyed the grace of God? And then God called your attention. I was speaking to them in verse 6. He said, and God said, hear now my words. If there be a prophet among you, I, the Lord, will make myself known unto him in a vision and will speak unto him in a dream.
My servant Moses is not so who is faithful in all mine house. With him will I speak mouth to mouth, even apparently and not in dark speeches. And the simitude of the Lord shall be behold.
Wherefore, then were ye not afraid to speak against my servant Moses? Moses got to the point that his relationship with God was not like every other prophet. Because he took time to stay with God one-on-one. Praise the Lord.
Yes, consider his life, even from the palace. He never allowed himself to mingle or sway or stray from the doctrine of the people where he comes from. And so his eyes will continue to be with them.
And then one of the days he saw that an Egyptian was attacking an Israel. And then went and smote that Egyptian. Praise the Lord.
He was somebody whose relationship with God, even in the face of circumstance, God will be proud of him. While he was leading the people, from time to time he will go separate himself to seek the face of God. God, what do you want me to do for these people? At this point, how do you want me to relate with them? And God will continue to speak with him.
And he told him, and he told Miriam, God told Miriam and Aaron, why will you be jealous and speak this way about Moses? To drive these points home, the Lord will want to give us two short points so that we’ll be able to understand the role of staying alone with him. The first point is the daunting disturbance. The daunting disturbance.
It is obvious that these days, because men will not ordinarily want to walk into a personal relationship with God, so they will want a situation that will provoke them by force into seeking the face of God alone. So, hence that disturbance, the daunting disturbance. After the escape from his in-law, Jacob, he sent information to his estranged twin brother, Esau, as we have just read, testifying of his world property.
You can see that. Instead of him to firstly, you are sending a messenger to your twin brother, you know you’re offended. In fact, you are wanting him to forgive you and pardon you.
And the first thing you were trying to, in fact, the first message you asked them to give to that, that’s your twin brother, is to tell him that God has blessed you. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
Tell him that God has blessed me. I have cattle, I have two wives, I have children, I am coming back. And that is exactly the heart of man.
That is exactly the heart of man. As I said in my introduction, he did not in any way decide to look the way of God again. He established his own ordinance and his children and all that.
And men did not call on the name of God again until Seth begat his child. Esau, having met angels in chapter 32 verse 1, did not still understand himself. Rather, he thought that by his strength he will prevail.
But the Bible says, by strength shall no man prevail. His property was much more important. He felt that possibly by his property he would be able to bribe his brother.
He amassed a lot of property in the country where he went to serve his in-law, Lebanon. And that was his boost. However, the brief informative response of his brother shook him to the foundation.
When they came to tell him that his brother was coming to meet him, then he felt that, oh, he was not even enticed with what I just said. I’m coming, I’m bringing gifts for you. I have a lot of money to give you.
And that was when he decided to call on the name of God. You can see it in verse 6 to 7 and all that. This made him to take measures of what self-preservation.
He made a brief prayer but focused more on what gifting option. Even when he went to pray, he did not still realize himself. He still felt that the way and pattern he would achieve reconciling with his brother or returning home is by what gifting.
Take note of this. You need to come to a point where you should be able, you are not, you are, you are not supposed to be a hacker of your pattern. Your pattern is supposed to be interpreted to you by your maker.
People that should hack into your pattern are your, are your enemies, possibly trying to spy you. The pattern Jacob thought that was designed for him to reconcile with his brother was to gift his brother, which was not the actual pattern. Praise the Lord.
And it made the matter more offensive. And when he heard that his brother was coming to him, he began to shake. Proverbs 21 verse 31.
There is a way that cements right onto a man, but he ended up his destruction. You can only get interpretations to the pattern of your life originally designed by God. Where? Alone with God.
There is no other place. Proverbs, sorry, Proverbs chapter 21 verse 31. How can you then know the way that cements right onto a man? If God does not reveal it to you.
Proverbs 21 verse 31. He that followeth after righteousness and mercy findeth what lies. He findeth what also righteousness and he findeth what lastly honor.
Praise the Lord. You’ll find life as you seek after righteousness. God is righteousness in this place.
You’ll find life. You’ll find mercy. You’ll find, you’ll find life.
You’ll find righteousness and you’ll find honor. These things were not what Jacob was seeking. He solely depended on his knowledge and skills or smartness.
Praise the Lord. Today, God will take away all the things that have been keeping us from justifying our God-given patterns in the name of Jesus Christ. Often a time, Jacob’s experience reflects what happens to covenant people who don’t have awareness of their divine relationship and so fear what others fear.
You see people who were born with a particular purpose and they have been told by prophets who have spied into the spirit realm to know what God has for you and they have prophesied and said you are going to be this, you are going to be that. And you will see people die with such a prophetic declaration and announcement. The reason is just linked to what Jacob had as his experience.
Not walking alone with God. Asking him, please reveal that pattern with which I would realize this purpose. And then when trouble come, they begin to fear.
Is it all you that said this thing? Is it all you that said that I am a tree that will make a great forest? You know God. But because you have not gone alone to him and heard from him, the fear that makes others worry in life will overtake you. Regardless of the magnitude of promise and prophetic ordinance, maybe there are life challenges that are still frightening.
There are situations that are still threatening you. I want to assure you today, as you decisively seek the face of God alone, he will reveal to you the pattern with which you will overcome them and all fears will be taken away in the name of Jesus Christ. We go to point two straight away.
The divine encounter. It’s most times a dramatic one because you shouldn’t allow that. You shouldn’t allow yourself to get to a point where God will pull you with a rope by force as he did to Jacob.
And he had to wrestle his way out. A man whom God showed angels before he sent, before he sent messengers to Esau. He had to wrestle his way out and he told the angels, I will never let you go unless you bless me.
You can see there in Genesis chapter 32 from verse 24 to 32. The event was a live reality drama staged by the Lord to do what teach generations unborn the ways of the Lord. It involved an unconscious actor and you know an angel from heaven.
In most cases you might not even be conscious of what you are doing until that matter happens to you. Praise the Lord. I’ve seen and had testimonies of successful ministers and the point they encountered the grace of success was at a very critical point in their life.
Praise the Lord. But there are people who have encountered the grace of God early enough and have been flying with such grace. So whichever way the Lord will bring us to a place where we will discover such patterns in the name of Jesus Christ.
It involved this kind of drama. It’s involving, it must involve angels. It must involve God himself to be able to decipher, to be able to get you on track.
It must involve your own possible willingness. Obviously at first you might not be describing the drama, describing the encounter. What happens when you are alone with God? It should be noted that no mortal stands a chance against an angel of God in battle.
No mortal can battle with an angel and succeed. So when you get to a point when you need to wrestle your way out, you might end up having something that will be so remarkable, a scar on you. Praise the Lord.
He makes his ministers, his angel spirits and his ministers a flaming fire. Can you go and wrestle with a spirit as a man that you call yourself a minister? No. Praise the Lord.
You can see the case of Abraham drifting a little away from what we have. He looked afar and saw angels passing by. Those angels were heading to where? Sodom and Gomorrah.
But the spirit of God in him was able to make him to discern that these people were angels and he called them fleas and kept them and fed them. You thought that he was just to feed them. Yes, in his manner he has that gift of charity.
But Abraham was somebody who knows how to listen to counsel from God and that was why he was able to stand different from his father’s course and culture. Praise the Lord. So it was easy for him to understand that those people that were passing were angels.
He called them in, gave them that treatment. How would they after such a treatment live without telling him what they were going to do? Praise the Lord. Having a one-on-one relationship with God helps you, place you on the track where things that you need to know will be revealed to you.
You do not need to wait until you begin to wrestle with spirits to get solutions because they are spirits. They are not like you. Now Jacob’s insistence affected him.
His struggle affected him. It was a sign. But the information and the relevance of that occasion between Jacob and the angel is what will spawn some people into their miracles today as we rise to pray.
God has shown us mercy, having strode away from his call, not giving heed to the signs of his attraction to his presence all the while. And we have been strolling like sheep without shepherd. And he’s saying it is time for us to have a change of name.
It is time for us to have the interpretations of the pattern of life that we have been called to live in this world. I don’t know who is here that is willing to say, God, I will never walk away from your presence. I will never let you go unless you bless me.
If you are that person, you can rise to your feet. The Lord is a merciful God. Thousands of generations after Adam attest to the fact that he is merciful.
After destroying the first world and kept Noah, he made a covenant with Noah and said, I will not destroy the world again. He’s a merciful God. And so for us not to have given heed or we have neglected the call, the invitation from heaven, drawing us to come close so that we can understand the ways of God, so that we can understand to know the solutions to our problems.
We have neglected them. We are going to ask the Lord right now to have mercy upon us. In two minutes, ask the Lord to have mercy upon you.
Look at Jacob. Jacob had the information. He saw angels.
He saw angels. The Bible described them in Genesis 2, verse 1, that these were angels. Jacob saw them and just walked his way.
There are people that sit in the house of God, but they still go to Juju house. They still want to go to one ministry or the other and say, what is God saying about this thing? God has spoken to you through his word. And then you are still doubting.
There are people that have entered into errors and errors and errors and errors of life simply because of negligence. Father, have mercy upon me. Have mercy upon your people.
Have mercy upon us, O Lord. We have gone astray like sheep without shepherd. And that is why our problems keep multiplying.
Have mercy upon me. Have mercy upon my family. Have mercy upon us, O Lord.
We call upon you and we do not know your ways. We have not even understand the pattern with which you created us. We have not understood the pattern with which will fulfill your purpose for us on earth.
Father, I ask for mercy. Have mercy upon me, O Lord. Have mercy upon me.
Have mercy upon us. Have mercy upon your church. Have mercy upon us in UAE.
Have mercy upon your people. Lord, we have been looking for jobs and we are just taking jobs that will not help us to come close to you. Father, have mercy upon us.
We have been scattered by different kind of jobs in UAE because we have not listened to you. Have mercy upon us. There are people that have gone into different kind of jobs in UAE that you will hear and you will begin to ask, is this a Christian? Can a child of God go into such a job? There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the ender of is destruction.
Father, deliver me from destruction tonight. I have come to work with you alone, one on one. Therefore, Lord, have mercy upon me.
Have mercy upon us. Have mercy upon us, O Lord. Have mercy upon us.
Have mercy upon us. As faces are different, so are we. We have a father who is capable of reaching us one on one.
Though we are many, yet you’re engaging us one on one. Though we are many, your hand is touching us one on one. In Jesus’ name we pray.
We are going to work with him right now. I don’t want to know what your problem is, but the Lord is telling me that miracles will happen today. That people will pray through from now.
That solutions will be dropping from left, right, and center. That healing will begin right now. Open your mouth and tell the Lord, I will never let you go unless you bless me.
I will never let you go unless you bless me. I will never let you go. It was this kind of ignorance that made me look away from you and I have suffered, but right now I will never let you go.
I will never let you go unless you bless me. Unless you change my situation. Unless you change my status.
Unless you open doors for me. Unless you save me. Unless you forgive me.
I will never let you go. I will never let you go. I will never let you go.
Change my circumstance. Change my situation. Change my situation, oh Lord.
Change my situation. Hear my cry. Save my husband.
Save my wife. Save my daughter. Save my mother.
Save my father. Save my siblings. I will never let you go.
You can never, never change. You are the Lord. You remain the same.
You can never, never change. Hey, you are the Lord. You remain the same.
I say you can never, never change. You are the Lord. You remain the same.
There is somebody that the light of God will shine upon his life. There is a light, the kind of light that will so shine. Ah, you have been in darkness.
You have been in darkness. You have been in darkness. The Lord is telling you that your light has come.
And that darkness is in the form of confusion. It’s in the form of confusion. You don’t even know what to do.
You don’t know where you are. You don’t know where you are. There is somebody the Lord is telling, your light has come.
In the name of Jesus, open your mouth and tell the Lord, my light is here. Claim it and tell him that you will never let him go until you see that light. You will, it will manifest in your eye as you are closing your eye to pray.
That light will shine so bright as you are closing your eye to pray. It will shine in your eyes and you will be 100% certain that your light has come. For in Jesus mighty name we pray.
For in Jesus mighty name we pray. You know this song, you can join me. He holds the key to my life.
He holds the key to my life. When sickness and trouble comes to take away my joy. Oh, he holds the key to my life.
Oh, he holds the key to my life. When sickness and trouble comes to take away my joy. The Lord, he holds the key to my life.
He holds the key to my life. Father, you hold the key to my life. Oh, when sickness and trouble comes to take away my joy.
He holds the key to my life. If you know the meaning of that song, the song says that the Lord holds the key. Who is the owner of the keys? The person that have the door, that have the room.
Somebody else cannot just take your key. The Lord is the one that holds the key to your life. He’s the one that have the codes of our life.
He’s the one that knows the meaning of everything in your life. He’s the one that knows the number of hair on your head. He holds the key.
He holds the pattern. He knows the key to press. He knows the button.
He knows the button of our lives. What is it that is causing you pain? The Lord knows how to fix it. That is why he has spoken.
The Lord has spoken. The Lord has spoken. He holds the key to my life.
He holds the key to the life of my children. He holds the key to the life of my husband. He holds the key to the life of each and every one of us.
When trouble comes, he knows the door to open. When trouble comes, he knows how to open the door even without key. He’s the one that can open the doors without keys.
He’s the one that does the impossibility. He’s the one that does the impossibility. For in Jesus mighty name we pray.
I just want you to pray this one prayer as well as he was ministering the servant of God. The Lord gave me this prayer point. He said, Lord work out your purpose in my life and family.
Open your mouth and tell the Lord because of what you have said, just work out your purpose. Work out your purpose. Work out your thoughts.
Work it out. The Lord is the only one that can work it out. Tell the Lord, work out your purpose in my life.
Work out your purpose in my life. Work out your purpose in the life of my family. Your purpose in my family.
Your purpose in our church. Lord let your purpose be worked out. Lord you’re the one that knows how.
I don’t know how. I cannot help myself. Work out your purpose in my life.
Work out your purpose in my life Lord. Work out your purpose in the life of my family. Work out your purpose in the life of the church.
Work out your purpose in the life of the children. Your purpose for creating us. Your purpose for calling us.
Your purpose for keeping us in you and you. Your purpose in your church. Oh Lord we cry out.
Work out your purpose. I cannot continue to Staggeringly. I cannot continue to Staggering.
Stagger. I cannot continue to stagger. Lord I cannot continue to stagger.
Lord I cannot continue to stagger. Lord I cannot continue to stagger. In the name of Jesus.
For in Jesus mighty name we pray. For in Jesus mighty name we pray. My brethren I don’t know.
Time can always limit us but you have more time. If you choose you can create time and pray in the word of God. He has spoken because there is a purpose.
He has spoken because there is something he spoke to me. I don’t know about you. He spoke to me.
I don’t know about you. Sometimes we overlook when the Lord spoke to us. He starts good work in your life and you begin to doubt him on the way like Peter.
Peter stepped into the water and he was walking on the water. But when the waves come he began to doubt. That’s what happened to me.
But the Lord this day has shown mercy and I pray that he will show all of us mercy in the name of Jesus. For in Jesus mighty name we have prayed. Thank you faithful God for this this day.
Indeed you have spoken to us and indeed we have gotten your message and it said that we are made clean by the words that you speak to us. That means we are forgiven. We are cleansed.
Lord and as you speak miracles have taken place and we believe it. Lord continue until you perfect out that thing which you have started already in the name of Jesus Christ. For in Jesus mighty name we pray.
Raise up your offering.