In Jesus name we pray. We are going to make one prayer. And that prayer is, you are going to tell the Lord that you will not leave this life, finish this life, and go to be with him without a fruit on this earth.
You are going to tell him that from you will come out fruits that shall abound forever. Open your mouth and begin to pray. All over the world we have signs that God exists.
When you look into the desert you will agree with me that God exists. When you look into the waters you will agree with me that God exists. When you look around you, you will agree with me that God exists.
In fact, right here in UAE, everybody is calling on God today because God has shown himself and proved that he can speak through us. Father, may we bear fruits in this world that shall abound until eternity. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray.
Amen. Shall we be seated? It is the will of God that everyone of us, being an image, an express image of himself, will have a legacy in this world. And such legacy will translate into eternity.
It is the will of God that we bear fruits that shall abound and abide. God in himself is a being that does not operate without a legacy. In fact, it is in his habits to leave traces of himself.
And that was why among every of his creatures he came to man and decided to breathe into him simply because he must leave a legacy in this world. Praise the Lord. Because he must leave a trace.
There must be fruit that will reference the ability of God to create. So as the word of God will be coming in today, I want you to search yourself. The Lord will want you to look into yourself and ask yourself specific questions today.
Are you bearing fruits that shall abound? Are you bearing fruits that will be reckoned with? Are you bearing fruits that should be referenced or linked to you after your service and stay on earth? After running this race, can you say before the Most High that I have replicated your image to somebody? Can there be a testimony in heaven that there is somebody who got to heaven simply because of your efforts on earth? If no is the answer, today you need to take that decision. And as you take that decision, God will give you the ability to make legacies in the name of Jesus Christ. The topic of today is the keys to bearing fruits that remain.
The keys to bearing fruits that remain. You can replace remain with the word abide. You can replace remain with the word abound.
You can replace the word remain with abounding. The keys to bearing fruits that abound. It is worthy of note that it is not just to bear fruits.
In fact, it would be a waste of time for you to think that you are bearing fruits of righteousness. Fruits of leadership. Fruits of followership.
But those fruits are not fruits that should abound. God is not interested in the ability to endure till ever. In fact, when he was adding souls unto the early church, the Bible says he added souls such that should be saved.
And the kind of saving grace that the Lord is talking about is the kind of grace that will bring them to the uttermost. Praise the Lord. So it is not enough for you to say I have a convert.
Or I spoke to this person and then he attended fellowship. Or I went out on an outreach on evangelism and I had to speak to this person, compel him to attend fellowship. There is much more to do than seeing them even come to give their life to Christ in an altar call.
Beyond salvation, there is sanctification. Beyond sanctification, there is the need for the baptism of the Holy Ghost. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is the acquisition of the power and strength to lead that salvation that you have gotten, preserve it until the end.
These are packages and things that you should know that your fruits, your human fruits should have. There are diverse fruits. There are diverse fruits.
Diverse forms of fruits. But the Lord is specifying the fruits we are talking about to mean the human fruits. Praise the Lord.
The keys to bearing human fruits that remain. The study of today is the part one of it. Our text will be taken from the book of John chapter 15.
John chapter 15 from verse 1 to 8. I am the true vine and my father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit, he taketh away. And every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.
Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. Abide in me as the true vine. Abide in me.
And I in you. You as the branch cannot bear fruit of yourself except you abide in the vine. No more can ye except ye abide in the vine.
Verse 5. I am the vine. Ye are the branches. He that abided in me and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit.
For without me ye can do nothing. If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch and is withered. And men gather them and cast them into the fire and they are burned.
If ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you. Hearing is my father glorified that ye bear much fruit. So shall ye be my disciples.
I take verse 8 again. It says hearing is my father glorified. What is it? That ye bear much fruit.
That is what delights God. That is what glorifies God. The glory of God and the magnitude of that glory is dependent on the kind of fruits you as a human being bear.
And that was why it was so painful to him. When Adam that was supposed to bear the fruits, which was the original intention he had, decided to go otherwise. So if you want the father to be glorified, you go about bearing fruits.
So shall ye be my disciples, says the Lord. In verse 16 of the same John chapter 15. It says, ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you and ordained you that you should go and bring forth fruit and that your fruit should not remain.
That whatsoever ye shall ask of the father in my name, he may give it to you, prays the Lord. In fact, this scripture explains that before you can conveniently ask of the father and he conveniently releases what you ask from him, you must be somebody who has the potency of bearing fruits. And not just that you have the potency of bearing fruits, that potency has metamorphosed into reality.
Praise the Lord. It says there that your fruit should remain dependent on the abiding nature of your fruits. Whatsoever ye shall ask of the father in my name, he may give it to you.
In Matthew chapter 28. Matthew chapter 28 from verse 18 to 20. And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. And lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Praise the Lord.
When you go about teaching, making fruits, bearing them, the kind of fruits that must abound and abide, Jesus Christ promises that he will be with you always, even unto the end of the world. In the studies before now, we have focused on the benefits of bearing fruits that remain. Spiritual fruits, numerical growth in the church, all these things are made easy by the hand of God, by divine promotion, by answer to prayers.
And we cannot successfully go out bearing these fruits without the strength that comes from God. All these benefits are the contents of the restoration, jubilation, and praise that has been determined. The benefits of increase in our spiritual lives, the benefits of the fruits of the spirits that should abound, the benefits of the human fruits that should abound.
They are the restoration that the Lord has promised us. They are the reason why we should jubilate. Because we all know that a soul that is being recovered to God stimulates, causes joy in heaven.
Praise the Lord. So if there is joy in heaven, there should be much more joy on earth. If we come to the fellowship and we realize that against 74 as the backdrop of our numerical strength we have been having, we are having an overflow of about 100, naturally, even if you don’t have joy before coming to the church, your countenance will somehow change.
Praise the Lord. Let alone when those souls are souls that are salvable, their influence in the church will advance the cause of the church. Praise the Lord.
So it will cause for jubilation and it will call for praise. These are the packages that God has intended to bring our way. For anyone to choose to remain void of these benefits even at this time of restoration, that person is completely ignorant.
If you choose to remain indifferent of this aspect of restoration, which is the restoration of souls and their increase in the house of God, then you are completely ignorant and void of the knowledge of truth and the mind of God for the hour. Because nothing interests God more than seeing that souls that should be saved are saved, especially at this time when the world is characterized with wars and rumors of wars, diseases and starvations, economic depression. There is no other place that people should run to other than the house of God.
In Isaiah chapter 2 verse 2, it says in this kind of time, no other time. I have the administration personally that it is in this kind of time that people will press and run to that top of the mountain that is higher than every other mountain. That mountain is the mountain of God, the house of God, the city of God.
People should be looking for solutions and the solution to the world is nowhere else than the house of God. The solution to the problem of the world is nowhere else than the presence of God. So if the house of God is not populated, God is not interested in any other thing than populating the house of God.
So if anybody is not inclining his heart to this aspect of restoration, that person is ignorant and the Lord will not want us to be ignorant. That person is also might have knowledge but is playing indifference and God does not attend to anybody who knows what to do and decide not to do them. Praise the Lord.
It’s a big risk to that person to be in the midst of all this information or to be in the church knowing the mind of God and playing indifference. It’s a big risk to one’s eventual entry into heaven. Because if you are not in consonance with the will of God, how will you make Him happy to recommend you, the Son of God to recommend you before the Father? Praise the Lord.
In 2 Corinthians 6, from verse 1 to 2, 2 Corinthians 6, You should not receive the gift of the Holy Ghost in vain. All those things are experiences that you should be able to transfer to somebody around you. And the grace of this kind of information that you are having that others that are outside there are not having, they also need to have this grace.
They also need to come in contact with this grace. How will they know that a problem characterizing the world has a solution and the solution is in the church? If you have not gone to make them know. If you are not deliberate in transferring this knowledge to them.
So the servant of the Lord is saying there, Please do not attempt to make vain of this grace you have received. Verse 2, Can somebody shout hallelujah? Now is the day of salvation. It is time to save them that are perishing.
By the problems of this world. By flood. By tsunamis.
By economic meltdown. Now is the time of their salvation. So who will go and save them? Who will go to preach the word of salvation unto them? If it is not you and I. Matthew 25, verse 28-30 No man will go and give birth to a child.
That child will not grow. And does not expect that that child will grow and give birth to another child. It is incumbent on us.
In Matthew 25, verse 28-30 Unto him which hath not, which hath ten talents. For unto everyone that hath talents shall be given. And he shall have abundance.
But from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath. A case of the steward that was given a responsibility. And then he went to hide the talents.
For whatsoever reason. We might not have time to explain. For whatsoever reason.
But something was expected of him. As should be. No matter the level of grace that is on you.
Even if it is the smallest. More is expected from that grace. More is expected from you as a result of the deposit of that grace.
But this steward did not understand it. And then went and hid the talent that was given to him. And the Bible says from him was taken.
And from the likes of him will be taken. That which you have and be giving to the person that had more. Praise the Lord.
It has been observed that it is not every newcomer that gets established. It is not every person that comes the first time into our church that gets established. It is not even every person that you speak to for the first time that contacts the grace of salvation.
You agree with me? You will need to continue and continue and continue. It is a work that should be done. And that work will be successful if it has a motive.
Which is the right motive. Which should be that you are aiming to bear fruits that should not abound. That alone can’t propel you.
Because a lot of work needs to be done there. Notwithstanding the kind of word that you gave to them. In fact, most of them can attend to altar call.
Most of them can be so moved by the kind of word they have had at that point. And possibly decide to give their life to Christ. But it is in the nature of the enemy to stay around them.
Taking advantage of the newness that they might have acquired as a result of giving it up for Christ. And then sowing more seeds that will take them back possibly several steps behind the kind of level they were operating. So that the attended altar call is not enough for you to go and sleep.
That they followed you to the fellowship for the first time is not enough for you to leave it there. That they pick your call is not enough for you to say I have already established the fruits. You need to have at the back of your mind these words.
And what are they? That your fruit should remain. That your fruit should remain. Because it must be a legacy.
It must abound. In this study, God will reveal to us how it is possible for you to make fruits that should abound. Fruits that should remain.
And because he will want to drive this home. He will want to give us this knowledge. The Lord will want us to study this whole teaching in two sub headings.
The first is the place of visitation and discipleship in bearing fruits that remains. The role of visitation and discipleship in bearing fruits that should remain. And the second point is divine judgment for being lazy over caring for the lambs.
In other words, if you refuse to go about teaching, visiting and discipling the lambs. There is a divine judgment instead of reward for labor. But because of our time today, we will be dwelling on only point one.
Take note of what the Lord is bringing to us. Because the Lord is indeed interested in saving souls. So every one of us should make it a point.
In fact, a matter of responsibility. Tell yourself that you must make fruits that must remain. In studying our first point, let’s see Acts chapter 14 from verse 1 to 7. In an attempt to portray our first point.
We will study the word of God in Acts chapter 14 from verse 1 to 7. Praise the Lord. And it came to pass in Iconium that they went both together into the synagogue of the Jews. And so spake that a great multitude, both of the Jews and also of the Greeks, believed.
But the unbelieving Jews teared up the Gentiles and made their minds evil-affected against the brethren. Long time therefore abode they, speaking boldly in the Lord, which gave testimony unto the world of his grace, and granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands. But the multitude of the city was divided, and part held with the Jews, and part with the apostles.
And when there was an assault made both of the Gentiles and also of the Jews with their rulers, to use them despitefully and to stone them, they were aware of it, and fled unto Lystra and Deb, cities of Iconium, and unto the region that layeth round about, verse 7. And there they preached their gospel in the face of turmoil, in the face of situations. In fact, Paul will want to take advantage of the problems that he was having to do what? Preach the gospel. When it was prophesied to him that he shouldn’t go to Jerusalem, what did he say? He said that, in fact, that is the reason why I’m called.
And instead of seeing himself staying back and avoiding problems, he was seeing himself speaking and preaching to people like Festus and all that. All them that would have captured him. And was willing to even meet with Emperor Caesar.
Yes. He was willing to even go to Rome. Because he must preach the gospel and win converts to God.
Praise the Lord. In Acts chapter 19, okay, sorry, the same Acts chapter 14, verse 19 to 23, sorry, Acts chapter 14, verse 19 to 23. And there came Theta, certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium, who persuaded the people.
And having stoned Paul, drew him out of the city, supposing he had been dead. How be it? As the disciples stood round about him, he rose up and came into the city. And the next day he departed with Barnabas to there.
And when they had preached the gospel of that city and taught many, they returned again to Lystra and to Iconium and Antioch. You can see the walk. Verse 22, confirming the souls of the disciples and exalting them to continue in the faith.
And that we must, through much tribulation, do what? Enter into the kingdom. In fact, he was not seeing that it was going to be a smooth ride into the kingdom of God. But it is through tribulation.
So, regardless of the threats, in fact, this is the road, let us go there. Because there are souls. These people, when they questioned me, I took time to read about him in one of my Bible studies.
And I realized that every moment they asked him a question, he would start from the beginning of the story of the Jews. To analyze the advent of Jesus. How that they were prophesied.
In fact, the difference between the Pharisees and those that already had the prophetic declaration that the Messiah will come. And how that he aligned with one of the teachers and the people who had believed that Christ will come. So, he was seeing every form of arrest, every form of controversy, all the troubles as a means of dishing out the gospel.
And preaching until at a time, one of them would shout, Paul, you have almost persuaded me to be part of you. Praise the Lord. Is this kind of mindset that God will want us to have? Not being afraid.
For we have not received again the spirit of bondage to fear. But the spirit of adoption. We are in the face of difficulty.
You know whose child you are. And you are capable of saying, Abba, Father. In fact, you cry it, Abba, Father.
Praise the Lord. Verse 23. And when they had ordained them elders in every church and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord on whom they believed.
In Acts chapter 15, Acts chapter 15, verse 35 and 36. Paul also and Barnabas continued in Antioch teaching. Praise the Lord.
The grace of salvation needs to be transferred to the world you and I live in today. In UAE, where we find ourselves. The Lord will want us to comb the length and breadth of this town.
Seeking for souls that should be saved. And not just to seek and get them. Persevere to establish them.
Praise the Lord. Acts chapter 15, verse 35 and 36. I say it again, Paul also and Barnabas continued in Antioch teaching and preaching the word of the Lord with many others also.
Verse 36. And some days after Paul said unto Barnabas, let us go again and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord and see how they do. It was a necessity.
Because you can just lead somebody to Christ. And in fact, you allow him and then the enemy will come back and sow seeds that will make the person worse than his first estate. Praise the Lord.
So the place of visitation and the place of discipleship is something that cannot be overemphasized in the course of this kingdom walk. If you must have fruits, if you must have legacy, you must adopt the principle of visitation and deliberate discipleship. Calling to find out what he or she must have known about the Lord.
And trying to answer questions that might look confusing. Visiting him or her. In fact, I have come to learn that you are more closer to somebody you visit more.
And you can easily make a demand from that person. Praise the Lord. In fact, if you are in need right now.
If you are in need right now. The first person that will want to come to you, come to your mind to make a request from is somebody whom you have constant communication with. True or false? That’s true.
How will you effectively establish a relationship with somebody if you keep distance from that person? It’s not possible. And beyond just communication, there is need for visitation. In fact, when you visit somebody, you establish a kind of cordiality between yourself and the person.
Praise the Lord. Yes. He counts and appreciates your presence more.
I have been in occasions where ordinarily I would not want to go. And they will tell me, please, all we want is your presence. Praise the Lord.
In fact, you will tell them I will send my gift. They will say, no, no, no, no, we want your presence. Praise the Lord.
It matters. Apostle Paul would say, let’s go and visit them. Let’s go and see how they are faring.
And see how they do. Let’s go to them that we have preached the word of God. Are they really understanding it? In fact, the thing we preach today, are you sure they do not understand it in any other way? Because there are people that instead of taking the word of God as it is coming live under it, they will be looking for iota of gossip.
He is preaching me now. Is this what they should take from the word? You go and find out. Did you really understand what was preached in the Bible study? Did you really understand the dimension of the working of the spirit in the charismatic hour? These are questions that you should go and begin to find out.
Don’t ask me, why should I visit? What will I tell the person? In fact, if you don’t have anything to do, there are cases when the church started, there are cases, occasions where brethren will go to visit, and then what they go to do is to just go and help them and cook in their house and go. Praise the Lord. It counts.
In fact, I’m trying to tell the person that I love you. I want you to be my friend. That is what it means.
If you are doing this for the sake of establishing that person in the kingdom of God, you can now imagine the kind of joy that will be going on in heaven. The place of visitation and discipleship cannot be overemphasized. We need to begin to adopt it.
We need to begin to welcome it. We need to begin to practice it. You need to begin to find out.
Check, did you find out the reason why somebody was not in church previously? And after finding out, did you make a move to go in close to that person? After this wonderful message, the Lord will want to see people who will begin to make use of their legs. Praise the Lord. The reason why we have every of this part of the body is for a particular purpose.
You walk with your legs to fulfilling the mind of God, even in this hour. You walk with your hands to fulfilling the mind of production, even in this hour. You walk with your mind to be in tangent with the mind of God, executing the purpose of God, even in this hour.
God will want us to be men and women that will take the responsibility of establishing souls in the house of God. Proverbs chapter 4 verse 7 There is no other business for us again now than to establish souls. Because as our text will say, it is when you have gone about doing these things that you will ask whatsoever you will and the Father will grant it to you.
Proverbs chapter 4 verse 7 Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom, and with all thy getting, get understanding. With all thy getting, get understanding. Wisdom is the principal thing.
How can the people you are wanting to lead to Christ have this kind of wisdom, this kind of understanding that you have? They need to see it radiate through you on a one-on-one relationship. Praise the Lord. Having practiced it before, Apostle Paul will say, let us go back and practice it again.
Visitation to Converse was the secret of Apostle Paul’s great success, and that was why it was easy for him to move from place to place. Unlike Paul, that the Spirit of God needs to show him in a trance, that you don’t call what I have cleansed unclean. That was the secret of his success.
Everybody will want to reckon with him. This man has visited us. This man has come to my house before.
He knows where I’m living. Every one of us are guilty of this ministration today. The Lord will want us to repent and begin the walk of visitation.
And as we do it, all that the Lord has intended for us must come to pass. In this season of Jubilee, in this season of restoration and praise in the name of Jesus Christ. After winning souls in Iconium, during his first missionary journey, he and his companion decided to stay there for a long time.
To water what he has planted. Regardless of whatsoever he was going to pursue on his personal notes and expectations. He dropped them, stayed back and said, no, I must make sure that this, I follow them up to establishment.
We saw it there in Acts chapter 14 from verse 1 to 3. They left the city when persecution by the Jews became severe. Running for their life, they did not go to, possibly go to take cover somewhere and then start living a luxury life. Rather, they went and continued ministering the gospel.
Visiting those that have been already established. And after some time, returned to establish the souls and appointed leaders. In the places where they felt that their absence might cause the people to become, to begin to, you know, faint and slack behind.
They would look for a representative and say, please stay back here. Simply because it was in their consciousness to do what? Establish the soul. Make them abound.
Praise the Lord. If this is your goal, it will become easy. We saw it there in Acts chapter 14 from verse 21 to 23.
It will become an easy task. In Romans chapter 1 verse 11. If this is your goal, it will become so easy for you to step out of your comfort zone.
Looking for souls that you will affect with your God-given grace. Acts, sorry, Romans chapter 1 verse 11. Ask yourself, is this your goal? Do you have the goal of establishing somebody? Do you have the goal to maintain a legacy in this world? And in the kingdom of God? Is your presence impressed? The apostle will say, I long to see you.
It is my desire. I find it difficult to eat. Except I see you.
The reason is that I want to impart in you. I want to find out if you are really following. If you are really understanding.
If you really understand the concept of salvation. Are you really desiring to acquire the power that Jesus promised us? And I have them. And I have it.
I really need to impart it on you. So that you will be established in the end. Because my pride is in your establishment.
Not in any other thing. Permit me to digress to say. Some people will go in a bid to win souls.
They will be carried away. Possibly by the nature of their job. You don’t have a job.
And then you are going to win souls. And then the person you are trying to win is working in a big company. And you are asking the person.
Is there an opportunity for me to work there? And then in such a balance. You will miscarry your purpose. There will be a miscarriage of purpose.
But if your intent is to establish that person. You will not regard whatsoever status that person is operating in. Praise the Lord.
Because your intent is to establish him or her in the kingdom of God. Leave. Every other thing will be added on to you.
But seek first the soul of that person. Praise the Lord. Visiting to establish converts that have been won to Christ.
Was a strategic phenomenon in the ministry of Apostle Paul. As can be seen at the beginning and towards the end of his second missionary journey. That’s it in Acts chapter 15 verses 35 to 36.
As we read. Let’s see Acts chapter 20 from verse 17 to 21. To this ministration, it’s one that is decisive.
One that is decisive. You ask yourself, do you have a legacy? Is your legacy, is the kind of fruit you are bearing, abounding? Acts chapter 20 verse 17 to 21. And from Miletus he sent to Ephesus and called the elders of the church.
And when they were come to him, he said unto them, You know from the first day that I came into Asia, after what manner? I have been with you at all seasons, serving the Lord with all humility of mind, and with many tears and temptations, which befell me by the lying in wait of the Jews. And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have shewed you and have taught you publicly, and from house to house. What a testimony.
From house to house. From door to door. Wherever we are, whether in Dubai, in Sharjah, in Ajman, in Abu Dhabi.
The Lord wants us to tell ourselves, that beginning from today, we are going to commence the habit of visitation, and bearing fruits that should abound, in the name of Jesus Christ. And as you go about doing it, you will see doors opening unto you. You will see doors opening for you.
Because that is the interest of God. And mark the word of God. He will not bring them to his house to disappoint them.
Because he has said that the solution to the world is where? In his house. The solution to the world right now is in the house of God. Bring them to the house of God.
Establish them. And you will see that solution that the Lord has said is in his house. Praise the Lord.
We need to go about teaching them to observe all things. Whatsoever the Lord has commanded. Whatsoever the Lord has commanded.
As we saw in Matthew chapter 28. Whatsoever the Lord has commanded. Go about teaching them.
Ask them questions. God is with us and will continue to be with us. No matter the challenge.
No matter the circumstance. He will give you wisdom. He will give you knowledge.
He will grant you the boldness. In the name of Jesus Christ. Keep away fear.
Keep away worry. Keep away doubt. You cannot be limited.
Because you serve a God that is not limited. Man is limited. But God is not limited.
Oh, it is the limitation of man that we are seeing right around UAE. That an airport should be grounded for two days. It is the limitation of man.
But God cannot be limited. So if you walk with God. He will guide you.
And give you the inspiration you need. To establish legacies. And fruits.
Praise the Lord. Brethren. Can we enlarge the kingdom without this essential key? It is not possible.
We cannot enlarge the kingdom of God. If we do not go out and begin to visit. If you do not begin to teach.
Oh, help me. Regardless of your status of Christianity. You need to begin to aspire to be a teacher of the gospel.
Praise the Lord. Shall we neglect this aspect of the good work we are called to do? The answer is no. Because if you neglect it.
You will incur the wrath and judgment of God. God’s intention is to make people run to his house. God’s intention is to tell the people.
That think that in their wisdom and knowledge. They can build the fanciful things of this world. That there is a wisdom that surpasses their wisdom.
They need to flood. They need to press. To the mountain of the house of God.
Will we be justified and defended. If the enemy pursues us in revenge for what we did to his kingdom. If we decide to depopulate the kingdom of God.
And he decides to revenge. Can we stand his revenge? Because the enemy is trying hard to populate his kingdom. And depopulate the kingdom of God.
God is wanting to populate his kingdom. Win souls. There is no more time.
There is no more time. We must prepare the message. I cried to God.
I asked him. I told him. God I am guilty of this message.
We all need to go out and begin to speak. Oh my God. May the grace of visitation rest upon us in the name of Jesus Christ.
Are we still on the offensive today? Should we be on the offensive? Being on the offensive is when you are doing the will of God. You would then be on the offensive against the kingdom of darkness. If you are against the will of God.
You are prone to attack. Praise the Lord. Because the gates of hell will come against you.
Yes. Hosea chapter 8 verse 3. Quickly. Hosea chapter 8 verse 3. His heart cut off the thing that is good.
The enemy shall do what? Pursue him. When you cast what is good in the sight of God. And you cast it away.
You are susceptible. To attack. Praise the Lord.
Should we not return to the old paths? To the kingdom enlargement. That we might enjoy its benefits in full as before. That we might be rewarded.
Should we not take part of this labor that is available for all? Answer these questions yourself. As you prepare to pray. Every one of us must take part of this labor.
Allocate a portion of this labor to yourself. Ask yourself, when last did I visit this brother? When last did I visit this sister? When last did I ask him his stature? And statue in the kingdom of God. Jeremiah chapter 6 verse 16.
Who be praying in a jiffy. Jeremiah chapter 6. Verse 16. Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths.
Where is the good way? And walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. Praise the Lord. Will you be part of the people that ask the later part of that verse? He says, but they said, we will not walk therein.
Are you going to be part of them that will say, I will not go for visitation? In fact, whatever he’s saying is on his own. If that is your case, it’s okay. But the Lord is advising you that you should be on the offensive.
You need to rise to the occasion of flooding the house of God with souls that should be saved. Shall we return without laborers? Shall we tell the Lord that we are not fit for the labor? When it has been announced, as we sang, that there is labor for all. Rise to your feet right now and begin to consider.
Do you have legacies? Do you have fruits? If you have any, are your fruits abounding? In fact, is your life worthy to affect somebody’s life? Because some, in fact, most of the reasons why we find it difficult to even visit is because we believe that our life cannot transform other people’s lives. Keep money aside. Keep mobility aside.
If you know that your life has the grace to transfer fruits, strength to another person, if you know that the kind of grace inside you is contagious, can affect somebody, you will want to go close to that person. It is only somebody that has a communicable disease that doesn’t come to where people are. Praise the Lord.
Ask yourself the question, do you have legacies? God had a legacy on earth and that legacy is you. You, do you have legacy? If God will be proud to create man in his image and likeness and from time to time come to visit Adam. He did not leave Adam to develop on his own.
The Bible said that God will come constantly to have fellowship with man. And we sang and we said, what is man that thou do visit him? If God will take the responsibility of leaving heaven to come and fellowship with man, how much more you and I? Visitation and teaching, are they things that you have been practicing? If no, cry out unto the Lord for mercy right now. Cry out unto the Lord for mercy.
Cry out unto the Lord for mercy. Apostle Paul will constantly go. No wonder people will argue, I am of Paul, I am of Apollos.
How will people not want to identify with him? How do you want to grow ministry? Who knows you? Who can come out and say I know him? How do you want to be successful in that business? How many people do you know? How many people can you say I know this person and this person can say I know him? We have completely depopulated the kingdom of God by our negligence and inability to visit and teach. Oh Lord have mercy on us. Brethren, now I know that it will be difficult for me to preach in the very place where I have been living the life that is not of a preacher.
It will be difficult for me to go for me to go and start evangelizing or preaching the word of God to the very people to the very people whom I stay with and my life has not been that of the preacher. That is why I cannot talk to them. That is why you cannot talk to them.
You’ve lived another type of life and you want to preach another type of life. Brethren, now I know. Now I know.
Now I know why people why we’ve not been able to get many. We don’t pursue to bring. We don’t.
As the man of God was preaching the Lord opened my eyes to see a hunter who went out to hunt. The hunter, is he going into the bush just to disturb the animals? Is he going into the bush to play with the animals? The hunter is going into the bush to kill the animals and to bring them home to eat, to enjoy. The mindset of the preacher must be to go and get them not just to go and fulfill obligation.
It must be to go and get them. To go and get them. And going to get them a lot is involved.
A lot is involved. You will put your money. You will put your energy.
You will put your time. So much is involved if you must get them. So, Babuku said that Peter, they return back again.
Poor them. They’ve gone before but they came back again. They say, so that we don’t walk and the walk is not scarce and the walk doesn’t stand and the walk, and the walk, oh my father.
And the walk doesn’t abide the fruit don’t abide. We need to change our mind before we can get souls. Before there can be stars.
Before there can be stars. First of all, start with your life and your character. The place where you stay.
The business you do. The thing you do. Do you do it with the spirit and mind and character of a preacher? If it is not with that of a preacher, then you cannot go one day and start preaching.
What? That’s another life. That’s another life. That’s another life.
That’s why you cannot go out to preach. You are ashamed. You are ashamed you cannot go because we are ashamed we cannot go because we have done the thing that is contradicting the thing we are going to tell them.
Oh Lord have mercy. Oh Lord have mercy. Oh Lord have mercy.
Oh Lord have mercy. In the beginning it was not so. They went to bring them.
In the beginning, the commission in the book of Matthew chapter 28 from verse 18 to 20 was understood. They went to bring them. Today it is to fulfill obligation.
Today it is to sometimes, sometimes, oh my God. Ah, so Sakrai may not die when they’re lost at any cost. That is the language.
When they’re lost at any cost. When they’re lost at any cost. Let that person abide.
That is the only start. That is the only time that person can be regarded as a star on your crop. That’s the only time.
That’s the only time. That’s the only time there can be a star on your crop. Are you going home without a star? We’ll take this prayer home my brethren and tell the Lord help me.
Help me. I am guilty. Help me.
Help me. Help me. Help me Lord.
Help me Lord. Those days Paul brought what he had. Peter brought what he had.
Silas brought what he had to give them. Many of their souls they brought had nothing to eat. They gave them food.
They sold their land. They sold their cars. They sold what they had to make sure they eat, to support them, to encourage them.
He said let’s go back to them. Let us go back to them. That was why they were increasing.
Why wouldn’t they increase? They were supported. They were helped. They were encouraged.
They were visited. Today we don’t care. Today we don’t care.
Today me and you don’t care. How can they come? How many of the people that we have spoken to? How many of them are with us? How many of them are with us? We just the man of God when the Lord was talking to him he said it’s not enough to call them on phone. It’s not enough.
Pursue until you get. Follow up until you get. He may not be talking to the whole crowd.
Target the soul and get it. Target and follow and finish it up. Make sure that you get the meat.
Thank you Father. We pray that your grace will help us and see us through.
This is the concept. This is the concept of salvation. This is the concept of salvation.
That is the commission. This is the main thing in the commission. And if it is not and when purpose is undefined is undefined abuse is inevitable.
We’ve done a lot that has derailed and diverted so much that we don’t face the commission. Lord help us. Father forgive each and every one of us.
Can we lay our hearts to our chest and say Lord I am I am sorry. If you feel you are sorry can you tell the Lord now. Say Lord I am sorry.
Forgive me. Lord I am sorry. Forgive me.
Help me and direct me. Help me and direct me on how to go. Lord help me and direct me.
I’m not done. Help me and direct me on how to go. I will use my hand.
I will use my money. I will use my time. This cannot be disturbance.
It cannot be disturbance. Guy. Guy.
Guy. Somebody I talked to some time ago was calling me. He was disturbing me and calling me.
I called it disturbance. And now I feel ashamed of myself. Because he he called and called in fact he was even a Muslim.
He called and called and called and called and called. Even though he was looking for another thing but I should have used that avenue. Now my spirit is telling me I should have used that avenue.
Lord forgive me. Forgive us. Forgive us and direct us and help us.
In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Father I will pray for your servant that as minister the God will pray that the grace and function to go higher. Lord to get from a bowl will not elude him.
Fill him the more. Lord he will minister better next time. From grace to grace in the name of Jesus Christ we pray.